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Awareness Program

awarenessBesides the micro-credit and health program we are also providing awareness program to make awareness among the illiterate poor people about several social issues like dowry, polygamy, child marriage, mother child health care, birth control, nutrition, tree plantation, primary health care etc. By appointing an advocate we are trying to make awareness among the village people that oral declaration is not enough for divorcing by husband and wife. It must be registered in registration Khata at Kazi Office. After taking decision by arbitration board of the local government through consenting both the party of bride and bridegroom, the arbitration board notice must be issued to bride/bridegroom. After that, the Kazi Office put up it on registered khata and by this way divorce is completed. The authority of SEBA (Socio economic Backing Association) has also been providing legal support by appointing legal practitioner through the weekly awareness meeting we are also trying to make awareness the Members about how to achieve financial self- reliance by utilizing the small amount of cash and how to involve in an income generating activities. We also awarded people about HIV. AIDS is a death bound disease, in order to protect the spreading of this disease we provide information among the people about how to use condom and awarded them to abstain from unhygienic sexual abduction in the prostitutions, clubs, hotels, bars etc. Our dedicated Micro credit related and health related officers are doing such type of awareness program through the space of their duty as per direction of the directors of SEBA (Socio economic Backing Association). So, there was no any extra expenditure in running this suitable program activity.

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