Home / Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)

Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)


vgd2The Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) program is the largest social safety net program of the Government of Bangladesh that exclusively targets ultra poor households. About 750,000 direct ultra-poor participants across the country receiving monthly food ration for the household and development support services (inclusive of life skills and income generating skills training, savings and access to credit) for the project cycle covering 482 Upazilas. To ensure sustainability of development results and to provide women with opportunities to further improve their livelihoods, VGD participants should mainstreamed into regular NGO development program after completion the cycle. As part of this Program, SEBA is implementing VGD program in Bashail and Tangail Sadar Upazila under Tangail District covering 2671 beneficiaries by the support of DWA, GoB.


The overall objective of this project is to increase income, food security, and livelihoods in impoverished and agriculturally dependent regions of Bangladesh.


vgd1The main objectives are to build the income-earning capacities of VGD women and to socially empower them through training on awareness raising, provision of training on variety of Income Generating Activities (IGAs), provision of credit and other support services during and beyond the food assistance period, mainstreaming of VGD women into the core development program of NGO after completion of the contract period and follow up services to the VGD women by NGO for three years after the completion of the VGD cycle.


  • This program is effective for the empowerment of the poor women;
  • This program is helpful for sustainable livelihoods of the ultra poor women.
  • The program will contribute to the target participants in enhancing their self-confidence and self-sustainability.
  • This program able in ensuring the household food security of target beneficiaries to a great extent.

Core/Major Activities

  • Formation of groups with VGD women
  • Training conduction– a). Life Skills and b). IGA Skills
  • Food entitlement
  • Savings collection and Management of VGD women
  • Access to credit under different Micro Finance Institutions.
  • IGA enhancement by the VGD households.
  • Monitoring and Supervision
  • Reporting and Documentation

Achievement/Kay Successes

SEBA has been implementing VGD Bashail and Tangail Sadar Upazilla under Tangail District since May, 2013. The Program is inaugurated with a view to uplifting the livelihoods of the hardcore poor women and their dependents through promoting diversified Income Generating Activities and enhancing the capacity in the relevant fields.
