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Ratio Analysis

Socio Economic Backing Association (SEBA)

SEBA Tower. Biswas Betka, Tangail.

Ratio Analysis

Reporting Month: December 2024
Performance Parameters Different Aspects Formula Amount Standard FY-
Long Term Solvency Ratio Debt:Capital Total Debts 6585925818 Max 9:1 5.04:1 3.28:1
Adjusted Capital Fund 1307105284
Capital Adequacy Adjusted Capital Fund 1307105284 Min 10% 15.93 % 14.58%
Total RBA(Assets-Cash,bank,FDR) 8200188393
Debt Service Cover Surplus+Principal and Int.Payable to Bank & others 617553327 1.25:1 1.07:1 1.12:1
Principal and Int.Payable to Bank & others 577043342
Short Term Solvency Ratio Current Ratio Total Current Assets 9020144463 Min 2:1 2.06:1% 2.69:1%
Total Current Liability 4922025149
Liquidity to Savings Ratio Savings FDR+Cash & Bank 279076564 Min 10% 7.80 % 36.86%
Total Savings 3577203376
Profitability Ratio Return on Capital (ROC) Surplus for the Year 40509985 Min 15% 3.34 % 9.73 %
Average Capital Fund 1212318657
Return on Assets (ROA) Surplus for the Year 40509985 Min 3% 0.46% 1.43%
Average Total Assets 8874438446
Operational Self Sufficiency (OSS) Total Income 911167099 Min 100 % 104.65 % 107.62%
Total Expenditure 870657114
Financial Self-sufficiency (FSS) Total Income 911167099 Min 150 % 149.62 % 147.11%
Total Expenditure-financial Cost 608987744
Productivity Ratio Member per Branch Total Members 256603 1500-2000 1567 1539
Total Branch 165
Member: Credit Officer Total Members 256603 1:300-400 1:289 1:280
Total Credit Officers 895
Borrower Coverage Total Borrowers 196575 Min 70% 76.43% 78.64%
Total Members 256603
Borrower:Credit Officer Total Borrowers 196575 1:240-250 1:220 1:221
Total Credit Officers 895
Credit Officer:Total Staff Total Credit Officers 895 1:1.50-1.70 1:0.55 1:1.86
Total Staff 1625
Loan Outstanding per Credit Officer (In BDT. Lac)  Total Loan Outstanding 8031195603 1:25-30 1:89.73 1:86.24
Total Credit Officers 895
Portfolio Quality Ratio On Time Realization (OTR) Regular recovery Min 92% 98.88 % 98.78%
Regular recoverable
Cumulative Recovery Rate(CRR) Cum.Recovery-Advance(end of year) Min 95% 99.00 % 99.13 %
Extra Ratio Member per Saving (Tk.) Total Saving 3577203376 13941 12299
Total Members 256603
Savings to Loan Outstanding
Total Savings
3577203376 44.54 % 39.73 %
Total Loan Outstanding 8031195603
Outstanding Per Borrower (Tk.) Loan Outstanding 8031195603 40855 30906
Number Of Borrower 196575
Cost of Fund of Money Length Total Expenditure 870657114 0.9 Paisha 0.12 0.12
Total Disbursement 7494938000
Savings to Total Liabilities
Savings Balance
3577203376 39.08 % 34.18 %
 Total Liabilities 9163321240
Salary to Service charge Total Salary & Benefit 315648611 40.00% 36.44 % 35.05 %
Total Service Charge 866127422
Accumulated Surplus to Loan Outstanding
Accumulated Surplus
1109316285 13.81 % 16.24 %
Loan Outstanding 7494938000
Operating Margin (OM)
Net Surplus
4.68 % 7.49 %
Service Charge 866127422
Reserve to Accumulated Surplus  Total Reserve 123257364.3 Max-12 % 11.11 % 9.07 %
 Accumulated Surplus 1109316285
Savings per Branch (Lac)  Total Savings Amount 3577203376          216.80 189.33
 Number of Branch 165

Socio Economic Backing Association (SEBA)

SEBA Tower. Biswas Betka, Tangail.

Ratio Analysis

Reporting Month: June-2024
Performance Parameters Different Aspects Formula Amount Standard FY-
Long Term Solvency Ratio Debt:Capital Total Debts 6261489298 Max 9:1 4.97:1 4.04:1
Adjusted Capital Fund 1259899518
Capital Adequacy Adjusted Capital Fund 1192063663 Min 10% 14.58 % 15.98 %
Total RBA(Assets-Cash,bank,FDR) 8176250111
Debt Service Cover Ratio Surplus+Principal and Int.Payable to Bank & others 3031358875 1.25:1 1.12:1 1.12:1
Principal and Int.Payable to Bank & others 2920709927
Short Term Solvency Ratio Current Ratio Total Current Assets 8445789983 Min 2:1 2.69:1% 2.11:1%
Total Current Liability 313652922
Liquidity to Savings Ratio Savings FDR+Cash & Bank 1081734338 Min 10% 36.86% 25.11%
Total Savings 2934593003
Profitability Ratio Return on Capital (ROC) Surplus for the Year 110648948 Min 15% 9.73 % 32.58 %
Average Capital Fund 1136738940
Return on Assets (ROA) Surplus for the Year 110648948 Min 3% 1.43% 4.65%
Average Total Assets 7741138972
Operational Self Sufficiency (OSS) Total Income 1562756670 Min 100% 107.62% 128.26%
Total Expenditure 1452107722
Financial Self-sufficiency (FSS) Total Income 1562756670 Min 150 % 147.11% 182.23%
Total Expenditure-financial Cost 1062329408
Productivity Ratio Member per Branch Total Members 238602 1500-2000 1539 1778
Total Branch 155
Member: Credit Officer Total Members 238602 1:300-400 1:280 1:318
Total Credit Officers 851
Borrower Coverage Total Borrowers 187646 Min 70% 78.64% 74.49%
Total Members 238602
Borrower:Credit Officer Total Borrowers 187646 1:240-250 1:221 1:237
Total Credit Officers 851
Credit Officer:Total Staff Total Credit Officers 851 1:1.50-1.70 1:1.86 1:1.80
Total Staff 1625
Loan Outstanding per Credit Officer (In BDT. Lac)  Total Loan Outstanding 7339307749 1:25-30 1:86.24 1:73.17
Total Credit Officers 851
Portfolio Quality Ratio On Time Realization (OTR) Regular recovery 9852523753 Min 92% 98.78 % 98.65%
Regular recoverable 9974229368
Cumulative Recovery Rate (CRR) Cum.Recovery-Advance(end of year) 9838605961 Min 95% 99.13 % 99.29 %
(Cum.Recovery-Advance)+Overdue 9924688169
Extra Ratio Member per Saving (Tk.) Total Saving 2934593303 12299 9146
Total Members 238602
Savings to Loan Outstanding Total Savings 2934593303 39.98% 39.73 %
Total Loan Outstanding
Outstanding Per Borrower (Tk.) Loan Outstanding 7339307749 39113 30906
Number Of Borrower 187646
Cost of Fund of Morey Length Total Expenditure 1452107722 0.9 Paisha 0.11 0.13
Total Disbursement 12991867000
Savings to Total Liabilities
Savings Balance
2934593303 34.18 % 35.37 %
 Total Liabilities 8585554651
Salary to Service charge Total Salary & Benefit 518099123 40.00% 35.05 % 32.08 %
Total Service Charge 1478140247
Accumulated Surplus to Loan Outstanding
Accumulated Surplus
1192063663 16.24 % 17.61 %
Loan Outstanding 7339307749
Operating Margin (OM) Net Surplus 110648948 7.49 % 23.03 %
Service Charge
Reserve to Accumulated Surplus  Total Reserve 108141471 Max-12 % 9.07 % 10.00 %
 Accumulated Surplus 1192063663
Savings per Branch (Lac)  Total Savings Amount 2934593303 189.33 162.60
 Number of Branch 155